FollowMe™ Health Plans

Health and dental coverage that begins when your employee health coverage ends.

Are you losing the health insurance plan you've enjoyed through your job? Maybe it's because you're leaving for another job, starting your own business or retiring. No matter what the reason, FollowMe Health can help. FollowMe Health Insurance plans can make sure you're covered as soon as your work plan ends, keeping you protected from many healthcare costs that may not be covered by your government health plan.

Plus, your acceptance is guaranteed*, upon receipt of your first premium payment, if you apply within 90 days of losing your work plan. Health and dental coverage that begins when your employee health coverage ends.

Note: Residents of Quebec can no longer apply for coverage online. To apply, please call one of our licensed insurance advisors.

Find the right plan at the right price for you.

Extensive health coverage, prescriptions and hospital benefits, plus travel coverage. Get medical care beyond your provincial plan, plus dental care, specialist visits, hospitalization and ambulance services. Base plan has no medical questionnaire at the time of application.
See estimated plan prices
Date of birth

Plan details

If you’re a Canadian citizen, you have access to a government health plan. But that may not cover everything – and health care costs are on the rise.

With Manulife’s FollowMe Health Insurance plans, you can save on many of the costs that may not be covered by your government health plan.

Choose from four affordable insurance plans to save on these costs and more:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Vision care
  • Physiotherapy
  • Travel medical
  • Dental care
  • Hearing aids
  • Massage therapy
  • Homecare

Limitations and Exclusions

In addition to any other exclusions set out in the policy that you receive, FollowMe Health Plans cannot pay benefits for:

  1. charges resulting from self-inflicted injury while sane or insane;
  2. charges that are eligible for payment by a government health insurance plan or reimbursement by a manufacturer rebate program;
  3. charges for care, services or supplies that are for cosmetic purposes, except when in connection with reconstructive surgery to repair or replace tissue damaged by disease or bodily injury;
  4. charges for drugs, tests, services, treatment or supplies that are not medically necessary, or which are experimental as determined by the insurer;
  5. charges that are deemed excessive by Manulife, relative to the usual, reasonable and customary charges in your area of residence;
  6. charges for hospitalization if the person is confined in a hospital on the effective date, except when the confinement is due to an emergency occurring after the application date;
  7. charges for services, equipment and supplies provided in a chronic care or psychiatric hospital or institution, chronic care unit of a hospital, psychiatric unit of a hospital or when a patient is confined to a long-term care facility or a transition ward of an acute hospital;
  8. charges incurred for which payment under this plan is illegal;
  9. charges for duplicate or replacement prosthetic appliances, devices or durable medical equipment, except where replacement is required because the existing item can no longer be made serviceable due to normal wear, or as a result of a change in the patient’s condition that makes a replacement necessary;
  10. charges for eligible services provided outside your province or territory of residence, if they are more than Manulife would have paid for such services if they were provided in the province or territory of residence, determined as of the date the last service was provided outside the province or territory of residence;
  11. charges resulting from care, services or supplies due to sickness or injury resulting from war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power, hijacking, any act of terrorism or any action taken in controlling, preventing or suppressing any of the foregoing, including claims which are as a result of or in any way connected or associated with such events or causes and regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence thereto. For the purpose of this exclusion, "act of terrorism" means an act including, but not limited to, the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof, by any person or groups of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization or government, committed for political, religious, ideological, or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear, or an act that has been determined by the appropriate federal authority to have been an act of terrorism;
  12. charges or benefits, in full or in part, that are removed from government coverage after the effective date of this plan;
  13. charges for drugs, medicines, services or supplies that have been self-prescribed, or prescribed by or for family members;
  14. charges resulting from medical conditions or ailments that were deemed to be excluded in the counter-offer letter you signed and accepted, if you were asked to sign one;
  15. charges for hospitalization due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions, if on the application date of the policy, the policyholder is twenty-one (21) weeks pregnant or greater. However, benefits are payable if the policyholder is less than twenty-one (21) weeks pregnant on the application date, in which case Manulife will cover a maximum of two (2) days of hospitalization if hospitalization is a result of the pregnancy or complication of the pregnancy.

You are eligible to apply if:

  • You are an alumni member or their spouse
  • You are a Canadian resident
  • You are enrolled in a government health plan

Quebec residents only: Residents of Quebec must be registered under the RAMQ Prescription Drug Insurance Plan or enrolled under a group plan. This policy will top up the basic drug plan coverage mandated by Quebec’s health insurance.

Note: Residents of Quebec can no longer apply for coverage online. To apply, please call a licensed insurance advisor at the number below

All those insured under your policy must maintain the same coverage. 

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Still have questions?

Call a Licensed Insurance Advisor at 1-866-842-5757
(Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm ET)

or e-mail us at

Our 30-day guarantee

Your satisfaction is our number one priority. Once you receive your insurance policy, examine it carefully. If you are not completely satisfied, contact us within 30 days and we will cancel your coverage and refund your premium in full, no questions asked.1