Term 100 Life Insurance

Now available to all CFOne community members – including the Extended Defence Team

Instruction: Change of selection promptly shifts the focus to a matching heading further down, on the same page.

True lifetime protection for your family’s future with premiums that will never increase.

You work hard to provide a wonderful life for your loved ones – but if something were to happen to you tomorrow, could your family still afford the lifestyle you planned for them?

With Term 100 Life Insurance, your loved ones receive the benefit amount you’ve selected (up to $100,000) in a tax-free, lump sum payment when you die. Whether it’s needed for a mortgage payment, a child’s education or to provide a comfortable safety net or legacy gift, this benefit can help provide for those left behind.

With many life insurance plans ending when you are in your 70s and 80s, your Term 100 Life Insurance will continue as lifelong protection.

Advantages of Term 100

  • Coverage for life – lasting long into retirement
    Your coverage doesn't expire unless you cancel it or don't pay your premiums. Otherwise, you're protected for life.
  • Guaranteed premiums that never increase 
    Your payments are locked in at the age you purchase. Whether you’re paying for 20 years or until age 100 – your rates stay the same.
  • No medical tests are normally required
    If you are age 64 and under and can answer “no” to the simple medical questions on the application, you may not have to undergo a paramedical exam or other medical tests when you apply.
  • Affordable coverage
    The low group rates help make it possible for you to obtain the amount of coverage you may need to secure your family’s financial future. Apply when you are young and lock in even lower rates.
  • 20 Pay coverage option available
    If you’re 18 to 60 years old you can choose to pay premiums for the first 20 years. You’ll get lifetime coverage – without lifetime payments!
  • Underwritten by Manulife
    Created by SISIP Financial and Manulife, exclusion considerations are made for those serving CAF members whose activities, as part of their duties serving, may make it difficult to get coverage elsewhere
  • Available to your adult children 18+
    With premiums guaranteed and locked in at the age you apply, the younger your adult children are when they get coverage, the lower their monthly payment
  • Portable
    Coverage stays with you if you change jobs or residence anywhere in the world.
  • Anyone who has children, is starting a family or has other loved ones whose financial future they want to secure
  • Those who want to ensure they’ve covered their mortgage or any debts, or would like to provide a legacy gift for a child, or a cause that’s close to them
  • CAF members whose activities (as part of their serving duties) make it difficult for them to get coverage elsewhere
  • Those who have adult children with life insurance needs
  • Anyone who wants to take advantage of the 20 Pay option that provides lifetime coverage – without a lifetime of payments

Choose from four coverage amounts:
$25,000, $50,000, $75,000 and $100,000

Living benefit in your time of need
Insured members who have been diagnosed as terminally ill with a life expectancy of one year or less can apply to receive an interest-free advance payment of up to 50% of their own term life benefit (maximum $50,000) and can be spent however you wish. This benefit is available when members have been insured under this plan for two years or more.

If you are insured under Term 100 coverage and select the Waiver of Premium rider, and you become totally disabled before age 60, we will waive all term life premiums that are due after six months of Continuous Disability and for as long as your total disability continues. Waiver of Premium can only be selected at time of application and if you are under age 60.

There are two ways to pay. You can choose to pay your premiums until age 100, or you can select the new 20 Pay Option – allowing you to pay for your full coverage in the first 20 years.

Regular Premiums

  • Pay your regular premiums with no payments required once you turn 100
  • Your premiums are locked in at the age you purchase your policy and do not change
  • See applicable rate charts

20 Pay Option – Lifetime of coverage – without lifetime payments

  • If you’re between the age of 18 and 60 years old you can choose this payment option
  • Option allows you to complete your payments in the first 20 years – and if purchased early on, not only will you save with lower rates, but it can also help you avoid paying premiums during your retirement!
  • Your premiums are locked in at the age you purchase your policy and do not change
  • See applicable rate charts

Applicants must be:

  • a member of the Canadian Armed Forces (serving, retired or released), their spouse or adult child, OR
  • a member of the CFOne Community with a valid CFOne card (If you do not have a valid CFOne card, please call 1-855-245-0330, email service@cfmws.com or register online)
  • 18 to 70 years old
  • a Canadian resident at time of application and physically in Canada

No medical tests are normally required at the time of application. If the applicant is age 64 and under and can answer "no" to the medical questions, they may not have to undergo a paramedical/medical test at the time of application.

Suicide within two years of the effective date of coverage

The full benefit amount will not be paid if death is due to suicide within two years of the effective date of coverage. In this case, your beneficiary (or your estate, if you don’t choose a beneficiary) will receive a refund of all premiums paid.

There are two ways to pay. You can choose to pay your premiums until age 100, or you can select the “20 Pay Option” – allowing you to pay for your full coverage in the first 20 years. Either way, your rates are guaranteed not to increase.

Take action

* Includes serving, retired and released CAF members, their spouses and adult children


Ready to apply for Term 100 Life Insurance?

It’s easy and quick to apply online. We’ll contact you when your application is processed.

Apply now

Need assistance?

Are you a CAF member (serving, retired, released) or a spouse/adult child of a CAF member?
You can contact your local SISIP Financial advisor online or at 1-800-267-6681

Are you a CFOne community member?
Call a Manulife Licensed Advisor at 1-855-834-7030 and we will be happy to help with any questions you may have. 

Our 30-day guarantee

Your satisfaction is our number one priority. Once you receive your insurance policy, examine it carefully. If you are not completely satisfied, contact us within 30 days and we will cancel your coverage and refund your premium in full, no questions asked.1