
Walk more and live longer!

Quick question: would you rather live to be 70 or 85? For most people, the answer is pretty clear. And believe it or not, walking could be your ticket to those extra 15 years. It’s true, studies show that walking at a faster than normal pace can add 15 years to your life.1

Buckle up your smartwatch!

If you have a smartwatch, most will track your steps and calories burned. So next time you go for a walk, see how you compare to other people. Keep these stats in mind: most people will take from 1,250 to 1,550 steps to walk a kilometre,2 and depending on your weight, fitness level and pace, you can burn between 90 and 200 calories during a brisk 30-minute walk.3

There are some amazing health benefits

So how do all those steps and calories burned translate into real health benefits? Check this out:

  • Happy heart: Walking 30 minutes a day for five days a week can reduce your risk of heart disease by 19%.4
  • Joyful joints: Walking regularly can ease joint pain and increase mobility.5
  • Mellower mood: You might just wind up with a sunnier disposition if you make walking a regular part of your life. It can help reduce anxiety, depression and negative moods.4
  • Hardier health: Your immune function could get a boost, the more you walk. People who walk at least 20 minutes, five days a week take 43% fewer sick days.6

What should you keep in mind?

As with any exercise, don’t overdo it, and consult your doctor if you’re having issues. Invest in some super sturdy, comfortable shoes, and don’t forget to hydrate. While you’re walking, your body will be happier when it’s lubricated with the eight cups (1.9 litres) of water that’s recommended per day.7 And it might help to have company to take your mind off the physical activity, whether it’s a dog, a friend or family member, a podcast, or your favourite tunes. 

Here are 5 great walking songs for your next outing:

  1. Walk This Way” by Run-D.M.C. ft. Aerosmith
  2. Walking on Broken Glass” by Annie Lennox8
  3. Walking On Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves
  4. Walk on the Wild Side” by Lou Reed
  5. I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by The Proclaimers

Are you ready to get started? The first step to a healthier you is literally a step away!

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